No worries, Estelle. We can't explain the behaviors of others. My take on that is that you weren't meant to be there. Keep searching for those who can love you and help you. They're everywhere.

Everything we face in life is as large as it is in OUR world and don't ever think you have to minimize your personal circumstances because someone else wants to beat their chest and brag they did more. It's not a competition and no medals will be awarded at the end.

The "right" people will appear just when you need them. Trust that, please.

Warm regards and best wishes for you.

SCC Stage IV, BOT, T2N2bM0
Cisplatin/5FU x 3, 40 days radiation
Diagnosis 07/21/03 tx completed 10/08/03
Post Radiation Lower Motor Neuron Syndrome 3/08.
Cervical Spinal Stenosis 01/11
Cervical Myelitis 09/12
Thoracic Paraplegia 10/12
Dysautonomia 11/12
Hospice care 09/12-01/13.
COPD 01/14
Intermittent CHF 6/15
Feeding tube NPO 03/16
VFI 12/2016
ORN 12/2017
Cardiac Event 06/2018
Bilateral VFI 01/2021
Thoracotomy Bilobectomy 01/2022
Bilateral VFI 05/2022
Total Laryngectomy 01/2023