[quote=Susan2992]Having your brother treated at the BEST hospital is always a good idea, however, that is no guarantee of success. I believe that you've already had 3 opinions, and two agree that more surgery is necessary because they feel the cancer is aggressive and still growing and spreading. Getting an appointment at Sloan and MD Anderson will take more time, time that the cancer will continue to grow and spread. Is this in your brothers best interest?

If you do decide to contact Sloan or MD Anderson, do it on Monday.

Whoever does the surgery I would ask that they do "frozen sections" during surgery which helps make sure they get all/most of the cancer remaining. Again no guarantee, but just some added insurance that the surgery gets as much cancer as possible.

Radiation may or may not be necessary, but this is something that his doctors need to address after the next surgery and the results of any tests that they do. If radiation is necessary, he may be able to get this treatment at a hospital closer to home working with the doctors at a CCC.

I know that this is all very confusing and stressful for you and your family. I'm really concerned about delaying your brother's treatment anymore. Time is not your friend here! What does your brother want to do? Ultimately it is his decision.

Best wishes! [/quote] Hi Susan thank you! I have a question what do you mean exactly by .. Whoever does the surgery I would ask that they do "frozen sections" during surgery which helps make sure they get all/most of the cancer remaining. Again no guarantee, but just some added insurance that the surgery gets as much cancer as possible.

How is it more insurance? And is that meaning tell them to take extra tongue out?

22 YO Brother Dx 6/17/14 w. SCC R Lateral tongue
CT scan clear LN 6/20/14
HPV-, non-smoker
R tongue, right hemiglossectomy Surgery 6/24/14
(Not reoccurrence but went to NCCC instead
R neck dissection, tracheostomy, radial free flap, R tongue dissection surg 8/11/14
PT1N2B.3 positive lymph nodes out of 13
Extranodal extension present
9-15-14 IMRT (35x) & Cisplatin (2x) begun
10-21-14 peg in. 10-31-14 1 round of carboplatin
11-4-14 IMRT rx comp
3-27-15 Recurrent tumor in lymph node, L neck diss.
10-29-15 brother passed away, 23 yrs old