AK - My son did not have any speech therapy after the surgery. He did have a lisp and there were times when I had to ask him to repeat things but it was only for a very short time. He was frustrated and depressed because recovery was a s l o w process and he would be very impatient with me when I had to ask him to repeat stuff. I told him I had a hearing problem (I didn't) so he had to be patient with me. Paul did not have to have anything done to his face or neck that would be noticeable except for the surgery scar but it was cleverly hidden in a fold of his neck so it is not at all visible.

Re alcohol use - I think it depends on the individual, the medical history, the reason for the surgery, and what the doctor recommends for your brother. My son does drink occasionally and I worry about that because I don't know how "occasional" it is. I have sent him a lot of helpful information on alcohol and it's relationship to oral cancer from the main pages of OCF. (I feel that as an adult, he has the responsibility to be in charge of his own health). You can also use the search box at the top right of this page to find what others have said about it. Don't worry about asking anything personal. If you are concerned, you can always ask it in a PM (personal message by clicking on the name at the left of this box) but asking here will get you more replies and suggestions.

CG to son, Paul (age 33, non-smoker) SCC Stage 2, Surgery 9/21/06, 1/6 tongue Rt.side removed, +48 lymph nodes neck. IMRTx28 completed 12/19/06. CT scan 7/8/10 Cancer-free! ("spot" on lung from scar tissue related to Pneumonia.)