If you dont mind me asking did you do surgery or radiation? If you dont want to answer please dont worry at all. smile

We scheduled him with an appointment with an Otolaryngology doctor. I dont think he is at a a Comprehensive Cancer Center. Is that a bad idea? we just want to get to an appointment first thing in the morning.

What kind of questions should I ask? I am so confused. frown I did get a copy of the bioposy report and it says Squamous cell carcinoma, moderately poorly differentiated (tumor is present in all margings. P16 immunoperoxisade stain is negative.)

22 YO Brother Dx 6/17/14 w. SCC R Lateral tongue
CT scan clear LN 6/20/14
HPV-, non-smoker
R tongue, right hemiglossectomy Surgery 6/24/14
(Not reoccurrence but went to NCCC instead
R neck dissection, tracheostomy, radial free flap, R tongue dissection surg 8/11/14
PT1N2B.3 positive lymph nodes out of 13
Extranodal extension present
9-15-14 IMRT (35x) & Cisplatin (2x) begun
10-21-14 peg in. 10-31-14 1 round of carboplatin
11-4-14 IMRT rx comp
3-27-15 Recurrent tumor in lymph node, L neck diss.
10-29-15 brother passed away, 23 yrs old