Made it thru without any problems. G-tube and mediport in place. I guess this means we are as ready as we can be for the start of chem and radiation. Nurse comes tomorrow to "teach" us how to use and care for it. Will aslo bring supplies including a pump I know cause I asked after Christine suggested we might need one and was delighted to find out the doc had already ordered one.
He's in pretty good shape except he is starving and I am only allowed to give clear liquids until tomorrow, doc was very specific so I am following orders. I tell you this guy burns the calories like crazy and he is truly hungry. Hope we can make up for it tomorrow.
He plans on going to work in the morning and I am beginning to believe it myself :-) He really began to bounce back once he'd been home for an hour or so. Amazing!
Thanks for all the information and support!

Throat Cancer, BOT, stage IVa
Therapy begins 4/14,
Therapy plan:
rad 33 & cisplatin x 3