Thanks, people. Yes, I think 4 weeks is an overestimate but I looked up the notes from last time. I was in hospital for one day short of three weeks. They had to keep debriding the flap from what I can remember. After that I healed beautifully - I guess I'll just have to be patient.

What I hate most about the trache is not the inability to talk as much as the heat and hum of the humidifier and the discomfort of the suctioning. But I'm prepared to face the dreaded beast head on this time.

Any advice on clothing? I'm not too keen on the bare-bottom, flapping gown look.

1996, ovarian cancer surgery + cisplatin and taxol.
September, 2007, SCC of left lateral tongue. Excision.
October, 2009 recurrence in scar tissue, T1NOMO. Free flap surgery from left wrist - neck dissection. 63 year old New Zealander. No chemo, no RT.
February, 2014. New primary in left buccal mucosa. Marginal mandibulectomy, neck dissection, right arm free forearm flap. T1N0M0 but third occurrence and some areas of concern: RT started 8 April and finished 19 May.