Hello guys

Christine, just a small correction here...I guess, you misunderstood my statement with "FNAC result negative". I meant that after my uncle's PET CT, doctors felt that the cancer had spread to his chest, but, after the recent FNAC of his chest, cancer was not found. So, he has cancer only on his cheek.

Christine, I appreciate your detailed inputs regarding the chemos used in your country.

David, out of the 4 points you mentioned, I would go with a mix of point 1 & 2. They are trying to cure him, but, can't say at this stage if the chemo would work, but, they do believe that a targeted therapy with chemo could prolong his life a little longer...they want to take 1 step at a time...if he responds well to the new chemo, he could become a candidate for surgery...

We are taking him to the MO tomorrow who would advise the next course of action...and thanks to you guys, I will also clarify the context of "palliative" with the MO...

Will keep you posted...


Last edited by Nephew; 08-25-2013 01:36 PM.