Hi Cheryld...

Thanks for your detailed and motivating response....but, I would need some time to answer all your queries...

In the meantime, I visited India's biggest hospital AIIMS, Delhi (a govt. run hospital and famous for great care where doctors known for giving genuine advice without making a hole in your pocket, unlike at private hospitals in India)

I was able to get in touch with a surgeon at surgical oncology department and discuss the case briefly...he said that since, the disease has spread to chest (its something like metastatis, meaning disease at multiple places in body), surgery is not an option...because, once in the chest, the disease would have spread to other parts (if not lungs) at microscopic level...hence, doing a surgery of the chest would not prolong the remaining lifespan of the patient at all...he also added that many clinical trials have been performed around the surgery option but have not yielded results...

I can't comment on this and can only trust him for this...

Additionally, he added that I should see doctors from medical oncology dept. who will give the best advice, like if some targeted therapy or a stronger chemo could help...

so, I have got an appointment for Monday after which I will share the details on the forum for further advise...I will also ask the doc the questions you have asked me...

Will try to get some answers later tonight...

Thanks again