Hi to All....Haven't checked in with you all for some time, but for anyone interested, I thought I would give you the latest scoop so far. As I mentioned some time ago - Johnny had a setback when he broke his ankle back in late June...well, finally the cast is off...but he has P.T. until mid-October to go through yet. As far as his health in relation to the SCC at the base of the tongue, which he is now almost 10 months post radiation treatment, and 7 months post surgery...he seems to be doing pretty well all n' all. He went for his annual 3-month checkup, and the ENT surgeon said that all looks well visually (he put that infamous camera-thingy up his nose again, etc.) and did the usual "poking and prodding". He said everything looked good so far, which is always a good thing to hear! But he did order him to go for some blood work to test for Hypothyroidism, and also a chest x-ray (ABN) - pa & lat. which John is going to have done tomorrow. Does anyone know what the (ABN) stands for on the test for the chest x-ray? And are these standard tests that are done routinely after so many months post-treatment? I do recall the doc mentioning that John would have to wait 5 or 6 months post surgery before getting tested for Hypothyroidism - but when he went to see the doc today, he didn't "ask" for the test or even mention any particular problem - the doc just gave him a paper to take to radiology to have this and the chest x-ray done. Do you think the doc sees something there he didn't mention during the physical exam and wants to check it out first?? The doc asked my husband what kind of things he's been eating - and he said although he manages to eat solids, he still prefers soft-type foods (like baked catfish, soups, etc.) and that other foods are still hard to eat at times w/out choking on them or coughing it up, etc. The doc was adament about him "chewing" or eating solid foods of all varities - sayin that it was crucial to keep the back of the throat from "hardening up" and causing further difficulties down the road. So for the most part - my husband has been managing - but with the eating problems, the hardened throat and with the recent broken ankle injury - things haven't been easy - but thank God things seem to be good as far as the cancer treatment is concerned. Sorry to harp so long on this, but I just thought I'd give the latest. Best wishes to everyone for health now and years to come!