So I have made it through the first 3 weeks of rads/chemo but it hasn't been easy. Lost taste almost immediately and that continues to be daily struggle. What I could eat yesterday, I can longer eat today. I have a continuous "sweet" taste in the back of my mouth that is making even water taste awful. I was DX with trush on Monday and began taking the med's right away. It helped with the "yuck" that was in my mouth but I think the taste bud damage was already done and now can't get anything but soup, liquid only, and cream of wheat down. Feeding tube went in last Friday and I've had a fever and chills ever since. Dr says the tube is OK and no infections, just my bodies way of adjusting to it. The first 3 days with the tube were horrific as we later found out from the 2nd home health nurse that came out that the first nurse did not give us proper instructions so we were feeding all wrong. Forcing it in instead of just letting it run in on it's own. I had gas so bad I thought my daughter was going to have to tie a rock to my feet to keep me from floating away! Now that we've worked that out, the feedings are going much better and not a moment to soon, because I really can't get much done due to the bad taste, soars in the mouth and jaw pain. Tempted to stop treatments and just go with whatever comes after but my family is dead set against that and in my heart of hearts I know that wouldn't be a good decision. I'm trying to be strong for everyone, me included, but some days it is very hard (as I am sure everyone here knows.) Thanks again for all of the great support and information that is provided on this site, it has made a huge difference.

Female 47 former smoker (quit in 1986), very light drinker. 1st diag 8/1/11. Surgery 9/6/11 SCC L BOT Tongue T1N0MO stage II w/partial gloss with no rad or chemo follow up. Recur 8/16/12 T1N1M0 - stage III. Neck dissection surgery 8/29/12 with 35 sessions of rad and 6 chemo beginning 10/8/12.