Well I just got scheduled for the PEG to be placed this Friday and had 7th rad today. Feeling better than last week but getting pretty hard to eat. Still able to handle most soft things but always need lots of water to get it down. Tried lightly fried eggs on butter soaked toast this morning and that worked pretty well so that may be my breakfast for awhile. I've started using the fluoride trays from the dentist with the fluoride tooth paste he gave me and using that tooth paste to brush with too. It seems to help with the dry mouth and helps to elevate the lingering bad taste. OTC tooth paste was causing my mouth to be even drier so I'm glad that this seems to be working so far. MO still stumped that it's negative for HPV and says that makes it a little hard to fight and increases the chance of another reoccurrence so guess it's a good thing they (we) decided to through everything but the kitchen sink at it this time around.

Female 47 former smoker (quit in 1986), very light drinker. 1st diag 8/1/11. Surgery 9/6/11 SCC L BOT Tongue T1N0MO stage II w/partial gloss with no rad or chemo follow up. Recur 8/16/12 T1N1M0 - stage III. Neck dissection surgery 8/29/12 with 35 sessions of rad and 6 chemo beginning 10/8/12.