I found two cancer treatment center in Cleveland. Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Institued and University Hosipital Seidmen Cancer Center. Both are affiliated with Case western University CCC. My ENT is sending my stuff to UH Seidmen center.

Has any one use these facilities before? I would like to look at both.

Last edited by Hockeydad; 09-02-2012 02:13 PM.

Hockey Dad
43, No smoke, Small BOT HPV+16
8/30/12 Biopsy found SCC in Lymph node (removed)
9/19 DX 4a T1N2aM0
10/1 TX 2x Cisplatin 35 IMRT 70 gry (Done 11/15)
PEG tube in 11/7. Out 1/4, Back at work 2/4/13
PET 2/13 Clear, 10/16 all Scopes Clear, 4/14 Chest X-ray Clear, 5/14 Abdominal ultrasound Clear, 8 yrs clean!!!