Hi Ed. Reading your post has taken me right back to my experiences of dealing with the mask. I found the fitting of the mask pretty horrible and I was worried about being left alone while the raditation was underway. But once it was underway I got into the swing of it and found I could let me mind wander in quite an 'out of mind' way. Lying so still is a bit strange as after a while there is no sensory perception telling you where your body is in space, so I felt like I was floating! The mask did feel tight to start with and left pressure marks on my face for a few minutes, but it felt more comfortable as time went on. To start with I just focused on my breathing. I hope it goes OK for you. Trying pre-thinking of some pleasant thoughts to focus on. Sally

Dx 10/11 51yrs LBOT Stage 4 2nodes HPV16+. Non-smoker mod alcohol.
10/11 Induction chemox2 (Docetaxel, 5-Flu, Cisplatin) then Cisplatinx2 IMRTx30. Ended 01/13/12.
12/07/11 RIG. RIG removed 05/05/12.
4/12 CT scan clear. Visual scope checks clear as of 10/13. Learning to live with eating challenges.