I finally got the all clear on my infection wound to start radiation on July 9. So far I've had 4 sessions and they seem fine. I also had my first chemo on July 10 with cisplatin. They gave me several anti-nausea drugs and electrolytes before putting in the brown chemo bag. The following morning my face and body were all swollen, but not as bad as when I got the contrast dye for CT. I felt some nausea on Wednesday and lost my appetite. After breakfast at 8 am, I felt full all day. Finally I had to force myself to have half of my normal meal at 8 pm. Today, I still have the same feeling but much less pronounced. I was hiccuping all day yesterday, not fun but beats throwing up. Every time I try to drink something through my mouth, I feel like I want to throw up. So I hydrate myself using the G-tube. Seems to be working so far. They prescribed 2 days worth of anti nausea drugs and I have been taking them religiously. So far it has been keeping the nausea largely at bay. Tomorrow I will finish the drugs. There is a back up drug I take only if I need to. So far so good.

I also felt more tired than usual after the chemo, had to take a few naps a day. I guess it is a normal reaction.

I've heard from various people that the second chemo is going to be much more challenging. Is this true? I will be getting mine in 3 weeks.


Joseph 59 male
pain in tongue strt 2/10/12, Dx SCC 3/19/12, confirmed Stg IV 4/5/12,
Total Glsctmy & recon w/ flap from L thigh, neck disct, trach 4/27/12
G-Tube 5/1/12
55 nodes all clear
completed 2 chemo 33 rad
non-smoker, non-drinker, exercise daily, mostly vegetarian diet...go figure