Hi Cheryl,

Thanks for the info. I'm diabetic so my kidneys are not at their best. I hope the Cisplatin is not going to kill them. So how do they administer it, through iv?

Yes, they have booked the hearing, mask, swallowing CT, chemo oncologist, and dental pathology appointments for me week. Will be seeing the oncology surgeon June 8. He is the point person for my case . I guess radiation starts after I see him.

Joseph 59 male
pain in tongue strt 2/10/12, Dx SCC 3/19/12, confirmed Stg IV 4/5/12,
Total Glsctmy & recon w/ flap from L thigh, neck disct, trach 4/27/12
G-Tube 5/1/12
55 nodes all clear
completed 2 chemo 33 rad
non-smoker, non-drinker, exercise daily, mostly vegetarian diet...go figure