Seana I am giving my wife the best person ever for me right now some shit. Is it because I am on Steriods? Is it because I have a shitty illness? Is it because everything feels so important right now?

I am sure he feels sorry lots keep loving him and yourself.Sometime she offers help Ie: milk made you sick yesterday? Well right about now I want the biggest chocloate milk shake I can handle and I dont need reminded about yesterday. Cancer patients aint very patient with the people they love the most.
Send support through me to Ismary my Rock in this storm. LOL.

21st March squall cells.Endescopy not oesophagus, ENT .April endo nose CAT MRI general Panendoscopy prim-HPV 16 base of left tongue one node-stage 2.23rd of May.14/5/12 9 teeth out.8/6/12 PICC inserted.11/6/12 1st Chemos 25/6/12 2nd Chemo Cisplatin5FU:27/6/12 PEG23/8/12 Radiation finished 1/9/12.