Solitaire - please don't blame yourself. Cancer is cancer, it hits you or it doesn't. I too thought I was dealing with it alone until I found this forum. Like David and Cheryl I'm here to help you in any way I can so please feel free to PM me too.

No matter what, please don't give up. I know I have no knowledge of the specifics of your situation, but there are fantastic doctors and treatments out there and we'll help you find them.

Think of us as your new family.

David 2
SCC of occult origin 1/09 (age 55)| Stage III TXN1M0 | HPV 16+, non-smoker, moderate drinker | Modified radical neck dissection 3/09 | 31 days IMRT finished 6/09 | Hit 14 years all clear in 6/23 | Radiation Fibrosis Syndrome kicked in a few years after treatment and has been progressing since | Prostate cancer diagnosis 10/18