I realize my signature is confusing. Heres a quick rundown. I was 1st diagnosed 2 years ago with a sore on my left cheek and my left gum. There was some lymph node involvement. I had surgery and then radiation. One year later I have tumor behind my left jawbone and more lymph node involvement. Had 6 weeks of chemo then surgery where they removed my left jawbone. They took tissue from my right thigh I found the spot in my throat last week, wasnt too concerned, thought it was Lymphedema but had it checked out . They did a needle biopsy and a CT scan. Sure enough biopsy showed cancer. Havent got results back from scan so I dont know how far this has gone.I should find out tomorrow.

4 cancerous tumors stage4 Surgery 10/26/2010 Radiation 2x a day for 4 weeks (started Dec 13th 2010)
Reccurance discovered Nov 2011. Tumor behind left jaw. Erbitux, Taxol and Paraplatin for 6 wk. Surgery scheduled for Feb
50 year old woman smoked for 30 years quit 3 years ago light drinker HPV +16