Hi BG82,

I too just joined here so Welcome to us both! I'm not sure what mine was rated. My RT Oncologist said something like T2 &???

And my cancer is really rare from what they tell me. But it sounds like you came out okay and lucky for you that they aren't having you do the radiation.

My tumors were low grade but still spread from my base of tongue to two lymph nodes. I'll have to ask what it's rated next visit.

And aren't you the one and same Brazilian girl from CSN? If so, it's good to see you over here.

Heal Well,


Diagnosis: Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma
Tumor on base of tongue removed Nov 9,2011
Radical Neck Dissection with 2 positive lymph nodes on Jan 11,2012
Will start low dose RT in a few weeks.