Thanks for all the responses.

I went back into the Student Health Center and saw another doctor. Since I've been sick, she did a throat swab which came back negative for strep (with a long form strep culture coming). I asked if it was a cyst or an abscess, she seemed mortified with the question and told me no. Most importantly, she told me it was just swelling in the back of my mouth as a side effect of my cold. I'm not presenting symptoms for Mono or Thrush (which is what I thought it was after examining my tongue). The only other thing she told me was that it could be a minor infection, but didn't mention the need for anti-biotics.

Hopefully that's it, but I'll keep an eye on it. In essence, I was told to drink hot tea and rest more. I might go back in after my holiday break if I'm not feeling any better.

Thanks again for the support and quick replies.

