Hi Louis,

It sounds like you are feeling really worried. I suggest going back to your doctor and asking specifically about the lump you are concerned about. My second suggestion is that you quit smoking completely if you haven't already. You said this is your second oral cancer scare. Maybe you worry so much because you know the risks of smoking. It's unlikely that you have oral cancer but it is always a good idea to get these things checked out.

Tracy - 33 at diagnosis
SCC right ventral tongue Dx 4/11.
1st resection 5/11.
Bilateral neck dissection: 2 pos nodes
2nd resection w/graft 6/11.
Erbitux x 11 completed 9/11. IMRT x 30 completed 8/11.
3 month MRI and PET/CT all clear.
6, 9, 12 and 24 month post treatment MRIs all clear.