Kerri and msmac,

Thanks for the quick and kind responses, it means a lot. I'm going to go in and meet with another doctor hopefully before my break begins. I'm not sure I'll have time, but it'll be the monday after this if I cannot get an appointment. I want to meet with a doctor one more time to check and see if it's not a bacteria infection of the mucous gland or some other issue before making an exterior visit (ENT or oral surgeon). Since I've been resting, taking fluids, and not smoking, it doesn't feel as prominent. Then again, I am not a physician.

I'm still very concerned but have set a timeline as to not obsess over it. Trying to understand it in the mirror is pointless, you're absolutely right. It's only been a few days since I've seen it, after all.

I'll stay on top of it, but reassuring words definitely helped me and I expected nothing less.

Thanks again,
