Hi Sally,

Glad to see that your surgery went well. Radiation is tough but absolutely doable. You will feel not so great for awhile but it really is the best method for killing off any stray cancer cells.The first chance is the best chance you'll ever have at beating this completely. Definitely do the maximum you can do to get this awful thing out of your body once and for all and then you won't have to think about it again.

My doctors were extremely aggressive with me. It was very rough at first but I am almost at 5 years now and I've regained alot of pre-cancer functionality. My neck is still stiff from the radiation and surgery combo. I work with chiropractors and massage therapists and it still gets better. I feel it is a small price to pay for peace of mind that I did everything in my power to get rid of this thing.

Don't be too scared- it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be- just gradually more uncomfortable and tiring as time went on. It isn't as horrific as I had imagined in my head.

Hang in there! You will get through this.

xoxoxo Kate

Tongue Cancer T2 N0 M0 /
Total Glossectomy Due to Location of Tumor

Finished all treatments May 25 2007