I agree with everyone above for the weight loss. Martin also got scarily skinny. He got so weak that he fainted in the kitchen while trying to get the porridge. He fell back, the kitchen table broke his fall but he broke his ribs on the radiator. He came to on the floor and felt some liquid on his body, but he was so dazed he couldn't see. So he crawled back to the bedroom, grabbed the phone and called me on speed dial. He thought he was bleeding but as he was naked he felt too embarrassed to call the ambulance (silly). Anyway I interrupted a board meeting at work and rushed home, and the liquid was milk not blood. Anyway I helped him get dressed and he had his ribs X rayed. All of that because he couldn't eat towards the end and refused the tube for so long. So I would still use the tube, but also as David says still swallow to keep the muscles active. I had some high calorie powder I used to try and sneak in, but he always knew when I did. Dairy products are the best for weight gain too.

Girlfriend to Martin 49 years old at diagnosis
Diagnosed with SCC unknown primary June 2008.
Cancer found in single node Stage N2A (3 to 6cm).
Tonsilectomy 16th june, Radical modified neck dissection left side 30th june.
30 TX radiotherapy ended 9th October
First comparative study scan came back clear