Hi All,
I do appreciate the advise and opinions of you all along with your own experiences.
We saw the RO last week for the results of Kris's 9 week post treatment MRI.
We were told that "there has been a very good response to treatment" from his primary tumour at the base of tongue - his scans were reviewed at the weekly head and neck meeting so this is the opinion of the "team" .
This is fabulous news so we have at least cleared the first hurdle .
They will now send him for a PET scan to ensure there is no cancerous activity in the node that is still visible and that we can still feel. It is hardened and shrivelled.
I asked him again if they would proceed to ND if the PET showed the node was positive. Again he said no. They would do a Fine needle aspiration.
The RO told me that within 2 years no-one would be doing ND's as they are not necessary and the studies coming out now show this.
Guess I have to go with this approach - and I do want to. This is a whole head and neck cancer board/teams opinion.
I am just the wife who wants her husband to have the best, but I don't have their level of knowledge and expertise.
So, we will get the PET done and see what that shows.
One step at a time.