I am getting ready to have a total glossectomy and laryngotomy (how the heck do you spell that) here in a couple weeks. I am trying to face the fact that I am never gonna speak again or look normal. I am 41 years old.

So I am lookin for any information I can get about life after a total, so that I know what to expect.
I am scared as hell but they tell me this is probably my last hope for getting in front of this cancer and beating it. Otherwise I am probably a goner. So I will fight as hard as I can.

Lisa from Montana
40 years old
squamous cell-left lateral tongue & lymph with free flap skin graft and re-section,
PEG tube,
Total Glossectomy without Laryngotomy April 2011
Still mouthy as hell
plenty of war wounds
craving a cheeseburger

***10/14/11 UPDATE--Lisa has passed away