Hi Dave. I don't offer any advice except to check with your doctors but here is our experience. My husband pre-cancer diagnosis would have 2 Black Russians every single day. A Black Russian is Kahlua and Vodka. He never on any occasion ever has had more than 2 drinks per day but does have 1 or 2 drinks every day. Once John started treatments he stopped drinking alcohol and didn't have a drink again until a few months out of treatments. He now is back to drinking his 1 or 2 drinks a day but cuts them in half with water. He asked his RO and his ENT about drinking alcohol and they both said "all things in moderation". You are a lot younger than my husband so I don't know if John was younger if he would feel differently but his entire attitude is quality of life and enjoying life.

I'm sure others will chime in but I think this is one of those "touchy" subjects.

I wish you continued health and the rest of your life cancer free.

Wanda (47) caregiver to husband John (56) age at diag.(2009)
1-13-09 diagnosed Stage IV BOT SCC (HPV+)
2-12-09 PEG placed, 7-6-09 removed
Cisplatin 7 weeks, 7 weeks (35) IMRT
4-15-09 - treatment completed
8-09,12-09-CT Scans clear, 4-10,6-11-PET Scans clear
4-2013 - HBO (30 dives) tooth extraction
10-2019 - tooth extraction, HBO (10 dives)
11-2019 - Left lateral tongue SCC - Stage 2