hey, i'm dave. (my introduction post-
http://oralcancersupport.org/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=130391&page=1 )
i've just got a question.. i'm just seeing what people's thoughts are on alcohol consumption once treatment has finished, and things are back to 'normal'..?
i finished treatment in late november 2010, and have recovered very well since. i'm very close to being back to the life i was living before this all happened. and of late i've had 2-3 big nights. my beloved football team, the Brisbane Roar winning the Championship as well as catching up with mates who helped me through my journey was a good cause for celebration. and Coronas with lemon go down very comfortably for me.
I guess what i'm asking, is whether i should stop doing this because it's risking something (beyond the obvious affects of alcohol).. or does the occasional night with mates, having a good time and a fair few beers, have bigger repercussions than i realise..?
The theory i've listened to is that if everyone got cancer from drinking alcohol, then almost everyone would have it. i haven't had time to stop and think about it. i've just enjoyed my few nights out with friends like i was back to normal..
Do i have anything to be worried about? and should i stop drinking decent amounts on occasions? i see my surgeon tomorrow and will ask him. i almost expect he'll have very few worries about me doing this, because no one's mentioned it before..i'm just curious to see what people's thoughts are? of course, i'd be willing to give up drinking if i thought it was doing me some damage to my prospects in fighting cancer. i recently had a clear scan of the neck. But am i doing myself more damage after previously being a cancer patient. moreso than your average joe blo who has a drink on the weekend.. ?
hope i've made some sense. thanks for any replies or advice given.