I don't know if I can respond to old listings ...but I was shocked at how right on the food selections were ...I eat all the same things ..cookies, snack cakes, desserts, and yes too whipped potatoes get stuck up in the roof of my mouth along with soft breads, Cannot drink carbonated soda - has to be flat ..juices have to be diluted. My Ensure is mixed with Ice Cream to give it a thicker texture. But I worry about my diabetes and cholesterol. So far I am not too bad as my portions are so so small - give up often trying to work it down my throat to swallow and there is not so much pleasure - I used to LOVE food! - I just eat off my husbands plate. Desserts are more desirable.

54 Year Old Female Non Smoker - Non Drinker
Stage 3 Squamous Carcenoma middle tongue, Surgery 9/3/2010 15 hour operation, Neck distention,right - 19 lymph node removed/ok -some tongue dysplasia - free flap/forearm, left arm, skin graph-thigh, lip split/jaw 1 tooth removed/PEG