So funny ED ..I was thinking the same thing to ad a post to say happy Thanksgiving and all the things I am thankful for ...That is what tomorrow is for right ! ( See Ed Great Minds thinks Alike

SO here goes .... I am thankful to be alive , and for my children and family and freinds.
I am Thankful to all my friends that I have made on here ... if it wasn't or you all I don't know where I would be .. I am thankful for the strength and courage you give me .
I am Thankful TO Brian Hill for founding this site, for all the help , support and education it has brought me and countless others , He is an amazing man , whom dosen't even truley realize Or take credit should I say for all that he is done ...I would like to say a very special thanks to him !!
I hope all of you have Happy Holiday and enjoy all you have to be Thankful for , I know somtimes we have to look hard to see it ..I know there are days I really need to open my eyes to see it !! But to you all I truley am THANKFUL !!