I have just returned from Tufts where I had my surgery. My first check-up and got my Path report. Not so good news - first they were almost certain that I had varucous carcenoma - but path report was that it was squamous cell carcinoma ..they took 14 lymph nodes - all were clear! - They took a large part of my tongue ...But the margins were all diagnoised as dysplasia..Not sure what that really means, but they are looking into whether I need to do radiation or just watch me/ Does this means it could turn into cancer? Is my likelyhood that I may have a return? The free flap looks good and they took out some stitches, tongue moves a little better. I was started on some liquid but I cannot really feel it or taste it well. Does anyone know if I will get any feeling in the flap ...I have a few taste buds but taste very little...will that get better. Doctors are not answering my questions - Will I ever enjoy food ever again? Can someone who had a large part of tongue replaced with free-flap tell me? Ohh and the trach was removed Yea! -- Still have peg in stomach!! HELP

Last edited by Laureanne; 09-22-2010 10:21 AM.

54 Year Old Female Non Smoker - Non Drinker
Stage 3 Squamous Carcenoma middle tongue, Surgery 9/3/2010 15 hour operation, Neck distention,right - 19 lymph node removed/ok -some tongue dysplasia - free flap/forearm, left arm, skin graph-thigh, lip split/jaw 1 tooth removed/PEG