I would have to plug Shands Jacksonville as Carol is being treated there and the Doctors are taking care of her. She has completed chemo and radiation but they are keeping a very close eye on her.....

If I may, get a referral to see the Oral & Maxillofacial surgeon at Shands. Dr. Nelson Goldman is the Head and Neck specialist and is head of the Combine Tumor Board. He is a no nonsense Doctor. Up to date with everything OC. And, when necessary he gets things done as of yesterday. I just finished posting in Boatswife question regarding the Doctors at Shands-Jacksonville that Carol is seeing.

When Carol initially was being seen at Shands the nurses were wondering how Carol got in to see Dr. Goldman. It got to be comical and then annoying....I just told them Carol was referred to him....end of "story". Carol considers herself lucky being referred to Dr. Goldman.


CG/Carol 57;SCC Stage IV L Tonsil T4N2bM0 12/2009
Recur 7/2010 - 2cm mass Invasive SCC L Floor Lower Jaw
Surgery 8/10 - Trach,ND,p. mandibulectomy,pec flap
ypT4aN0 HG Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
2nd Recur 1/18/11 - Tumor lower left lip
Surgery 2/9/11 - Canceled - Inoperable
3/29/11 - Died