I had so much mucos that I could take a handful out of my mouth with one swipe. I just could not bear the thought of swallowing anything and did not. I didn't even swallow water for 4 weeeks. I did not loose my ability to swallow luckily. We are all different. I am very stuborn but when it was necessary I had no problem "crying uncle" and using the peg.....gladly.

DX 2/10/09; Stage 1 SCC side of tongue; Partial Gloss; PEG in 3/3/09; 3 Cisplatin; 35 IMRT; PEG out 7/17/09; Eating via mouth and walking 3 miles/day 4 wks after treatment end. 50 pound weight loss; Clear PET 09/09 and 09/10