I'm not too surprised to hear about that overnight change. It's amazing how rapidly things change. At the beginning of this week he had great energy, now he is all about naps(not his usual MO that's for sure).

His weight is stable(knock wood) and he continues to eat fine but he did say his taste is "flattening out." But he can push past the sore throat and mouth at this point.
So, I guess we'll just wait on the PEG. Sloan is an advocate of the PEG ,if needed but they emphasize over and over that he should eat and drink as much as possible to keep the swallowing going. He would love to not use the PEG.

I'm working very hard to take it day by day but it's a bit hard to draw the line between being prepared for what's next and neurotically worrying about what's next. Don't know if that makes sense...

CG to Spouse BOT, Chemo and radiation started on March 29,2010
Ended on May 14,2010. LET THE HEALING BEGIN!!!