Hi, Patcey,

My husband had all his surgeries at Penn and we have been very happy with the care and the people there. The most recent jaw recon was done in November by an OralMax and a Plastic. The original cancer surgery back in 2007 was done by a Head and Neck surgeon and the same Plastic. If you want numbers for any of these, send me a PM. I would also be happy to call you, too.

Most surgeons and hospitals will be happy to recommend other surgeons for second opinions. If that doesn't work, you could always call the Nurse Practitioner at each of the surgeons and speak directly to him/her. They may be able to answer some of your questions, thereby helping you make a decision on who to go to.

All the best-

Anita (68)
CG to husband, Clark, 79,
DX SCC 11/07, T4N0Mx, PEG 1/08, RAD, post rad infection 3/08,
HBOT 40 dives, ORN, Surg 11/09 mandibulectomy w/fibular graft.
Plastic Surg 4/10, 12/10, 3/11, 10/11, 4/12, 10/12. All PETS clear,
PEG out 1/11. 6/11 non union jaw fracture
Fractured jaw w/surgery 7/14
Aspiration pneumonia 7/21, 10/22
PEG 7/21
Botox injections