I've been lurking the last couple weeks - no posts but lots of reading and thank you to everyone - I learn so much here. This is just such a scarey thing to live with - but living is what we must continue to do. I kind of went into a deep dark place - my husband was more worried about me than him - but I've pulled out of it. Sleep is a huge help. Found myself a good counselor to talk too - and one for my kids. They are struggling too - seeing daddy without hair and so tired has been hard on them. I'm really fearful about what's next... but that too we will get through. We see the oncologist today to find out if round 4 of chemo will be needed and prelim schedule for the 6 weeks of radiation. Chemo round 3 starts tomorrow. Doc told my husband he would not need a PEG and the rads will not be awful and he'll be fine...he also said his goal was to eliminate the cancer with the chemo and rads so Ken would not have to face a neck dissection or any surgery to the tongue. I hope and pray he's right. I guess we'll know more later. It's the waiting part that kills me. Living by a treatment calendar - forgetting about my life - which sounds selfish, but on the other hand Ken is my life and the father of my kids - he just has to beat this. But watching a seemingly healthy 46 year old man become sick because of his treatments is unsettling at best. Such a long road and so much waiting. Cannot believe it's March.

Lisaj, caregiver to Ken age 45 at DX, non smoker, social drinker, athlete
Stage IV SCC BOT, bilateral lymph involvement
DX 01/08/2010
Taxol, Cisplatin, IFEX
Treatment completed 6/2010 - all clear