I apologize - I know I don't need too - but it is just so hard to see the person you love so wiped out. I feel very fortunate that the side effects so far aren't HORRIBLE - but hiccups, and not just normal hiccups, but hiccups that last 8 hours and shake the bed and the body, - really... (we asked for something to help and weren't given anything... try the phenergan - we tried that night one...). So we finished round two of chemo yesterday (14 hours of drip) - round one he stayed around the family/living area - this morning he's stayed in our room - asleep again - so that's good - but why did this have to happen... I know - there isn't an answer. Hate this and we are only at the beginning.

Lisaj, caregiver to Ken age 45 at DX, non smoker, social drinker, athlete
Stage IV SCC BOT, bilateral lymph involvement
DX 01/08/2010
Taxol, Cisplatin, IFEX
Treatment completed 6/2010 - all clear