andy has been stalled again. the RO said he needed a break to "heal" a little. isnt that what recovery is for??? he only has 5 IMRT left.
i know he is in bad shape but it seems like the dr.s are keeping him in the dark tunnel. everytime we see the light, its a train that runs into him and knocks him back.
he is losing his will and im losing my mind.

i have decided to take a LOA from work. i cannot balance work and push him that last mile.
the MO is sending him home with a "baby" this weekend. he is not happy about that at all.
it sucks that the end is so close...yet just stays out of reach.
i should have known better to change his ending date...i jinxed it.

. so i will leave it alone until his treatment actually ends, then i will go back and correct it.
thanks for letting me biotch and moan and scream and yell and....uuugggggghhhhhh!