Teresa my heart goes out to you and Andy facing this unexpected delay when all you want is to get finished and let the healing begin. I hope your talk with the RO helped to answer some of your questions and gave you a little peace of mind knowing the reasoning behind the treatment decisions. Are you able to find a few minutes a day just for yourself to refresh your mind and spirit. Caregiving is a heavy burden at the best of times and more so facing the challenges O.C. treatment brings. I wish you both strength and courage to make it across the finish line.

Caregiver to husband Dx. Stage 4 SCC of gingiva with 3 nodes pos. Partial mandiblectomy with bone graft from iliac crest Dec. 2006. IMRT x30, Cisplatin x3. Completed Tx. March 15, 2007. Osteonecrosis & removal of graft & plate Oct. 2007. Recurrence of SCC Dec. 2007. Deceased Jan. 17, 2008.