Just a quick update since I'm now officially just past the halfway mark of my treatment!! Yeeha!!! So far, so good. Since the left side of my jaw and neck had already received maximum dosage, I was expecting a far worse reaction than I am having. Despite twice a day RT and weekly chemo I don't think I'm any worse than I was in about week 4 last time. My mouth is a warzone, lots of radiation ulcers but with the help of lignocaine and cocaine mouthwash I am still eating and have not had to get a naso-gastric tube or PEG! I feel confident now that I get through the next week and a half in the same fashion. Even my skin is holding up well - no blisters or sore spots.
Staying in hospital while having the TX has also been great. I get foot massages, manicures and hairdressing by some of the wonderful volunteers here. I have nothing but good things to say about this second time around treatment - so far.
I haven't had time yet to catch up on other posts and hope to do so tonight. I'm now off to my 2nd RT for the day.
I hope that everyone else in treatment is doing as well!!


55 y/o
SCC LL Tongue 3/27/07
Part. mandibulectomy 9/2/07
Left ND 5/12/08
Rec LL Tongue 07/09
Part gloss 8/5 & 8/25
Surg 10/28/09 re mets to R neck & L jaw
RT & Chemo finished 12/22/09
PEG fitted 05/06/10
L buccal SCC 10/10
freeflap (forearm)surgery 2/28/11 L buccal and gingiva