I often thought I should "reintroduce" myself since so many things have happened since my first post under this forum, not the least of which was the Cancer coming back BIG time and needing disfiguring surgery which also stripped me of my ability to swallow plus imposed a PEG upon me against my will.

I urge all new comers who first post on this "Introduce Yourself" forum to take a gander at the excellent factual information that OCF provides on its main web page. It is a distillation of the wisdom of the OCF forum combined with hard science. I confess it is usually not until Brian Hill posts a link to a particular page that I read it, but hey, do as I say, not as I do smile

Primarily, I want to take this opportunity to explain my signature line. Now please, newcomers, take a few minutes and develop a signature line. I think that a thousand of DavidCPA;s posts have been to GENTLY REMIND new posters of the importance and utility of a signature line here on OCF. Most first posters go naked. It's not hard, just fill it out when you register and you can easily update it as things change.

Now after a surprising number of PMs on this subject, I am going to set the record straight on why my signature line says I am an "Old Frack"
Old Frack has a two party story
Part one Battlestar Galatica (BSG)was a sci fi show set involving spaceships & cyborgs etc which used the word "Frack" in all its dialogue as the futuristic version of our more common 4 letter anglo saxon verb.It was a way to let the characters all use obscenity in most of their scenes without having to bleep it plus it neatly avoided the censors while being blatantly obvious. It was named by Rolling Stone as the best TV show last year and the cast was even invited to the United Nations to make a presentation on human rights.
Part two was a bit by George Carlin, the now deceased 60s comedian who had lots of funny bits including in 1972 "7 Words you can Never Say on TV" which ended up in a famous 1978 US Supreme Court case in which a narrow 5�4 decision by the justices affirmed the government's power to regulate indecent material on the public airwaves. Up until his death last year, he still did TV specials and one of them I saw was where he ranted that he was tired of young people calling him an "OLD FART", that he was instead an "OLD F**K"
While I loved it, I did not think the OCF board would really be the place to use even the asterisked version above. So I settled on OLD FRACK, since it had been deemed acceptable by even the United Nations.[/quote]

I was delighted beyond belief to hear that a Google search on "Old Frack" brings up my OCF posts as the number one result.

65 yr Old Frack
Stage IV BOT T3N2M0 HPV 16+
2007:72GY IMRT(40) 8 ERBITUX No PEG
2008:CANCER BACK Salvage Surgery
25GY-CyberKnife(5) 3 Carboplatin
Apaghia /G button
2012: CANCER BACK -left tonsilar fossa
40GY-CyberKnife(5) 3 Carboplatin

Passed away 4-29-13