Well I had the surgery last week on Wednesday the 4th. The tumor had really gotten nasty. It had gotten to the size of a half a grapefruit, under my neck, on top of the sternum, plus it was purple and oozey. The surgical team was a double team, Head and Neck, &, Thoracic. They snipped the clavicles and the #1 rib (both sides)and then took the whole mass of bone, and tumorous material completely out at one shot. Apparently it left quite a hole. They then went under my left breast and cut a big circle of muscle/skin and then then swung the whole thing up into where the mass and bone came out, sewed the whole thing down. Like the head and neck specialist said, this gives me 5 more percent. I will take my 5 percents anywhere I can. Like DW says, someone has to be in the five per cent, why not me? Supposedly in 3-4 weeks, I should be ready to start the next round of treatment, with the MO and the RO.
Has anyone ever switched MOs? I can't put my finger on it but mine, seems too "nice". Is that silly? I would rather she be tough as nails. Like that would make any difference?

Male Age 65 non smoker, non drinker T2N1M0 2 Jun 2008 Partial Glossectomy & neck dissection; lymph node tumor right neck 27 Jan 2009 Modified neck dissection, 26 Feb-16 Apr 2009 Erbitux, 9 March - 20 April RT; 11 Sep 2009 lymph node tumor left neck; 4 Nov removal of manubrium and large tumor