Hopefully the old saying about how the third time is the charm holds true. This is my third time around. First time in april 08 with a partial glossecotmy, 2nd time with a lump on the right neck and a modified neck dissection in January of 09 and now a lump on the left side, cofirmed by FNA. The good news is from the PET scan, the lump is the ONLY hot spot on me. Now they (the team) have to decide what to do. It is out of the area that they radiated before so they could do any or all of the three methods (surgery, radiation, chemo). I am talking to them about the cyber knife (that I heard about right here) After the three of them put their heads together, then that may be what they select followed up with some chemo. Last time they did it concurent. They have already said that what ever they do this time they will do sequentially. Oh Joy, they get to drag it out. I still don't have all my taste buds back from last time, at least the "sweet" ones. I do have the rest. The lymphadema under my chin keeps me on my toes when it comes to swallowing though. It pushes back against my throat, and I cough a lot. Maybe this is tied in with my new lump, I don't know. After the neck dissection they said "oh we got it this time, you are cancer clear". Here it is 6 months and we have a new one. When I had the neck dissection, I was able to work from Home, and that helped a great deal. Hopefully I can do it again. It keeps your mind off of everything, but you all know that. I still paln on retiring the end of January though. I told DW that we are going on our retirement cruise, if she had to wheel me. Sorry I am rambling. I don't mean to do that. It will be a week or two before they can all get their heads together. so I will probably start what ever about the 1st of November.

Male Age 65 non smoker, non drinker T2N1M0 2 Jun 2008 Partial Glossectomy & neck dissection; lymph node tumor right neck 27 Jan 2009 Modified neck dissection, 26 Feb-16 Apr 2009 Erbitux, 9 March - 20 April RT; 11 Sep 2009 lymph node tumor left neck; 4 Nov removal of manubrium and large tumor