It's been quite some time since I've been on the boards...just keeping busy and trying to make things better. My husband is 8 mos post radiation and 3 months post RND and the swelling and mucous is still an issue. He tries to eat but it takes him over an hour to get thru a meal and by then he's just exhausted! Had the swallowing studies which came back fine but his tongue is difficult since they removed the hypoglossal nerve and he's not restricted in foods by spice only by texture. Last night even fish and mashed potatoes were difficult for him to get down. I'm wondering if this does get better as it seems that ever since his surgery the symptoms have been pretty consistent...the Dr's just say 'all is ok' and send us on our way! He gets so frustrated as he has to cough and choke his way thru many meals therefore using the feeding tube is still an integral part of our day!
Is there light at the end of this tunnel???

Jeani, caregiver to husband Art, 61 Dx left BOT SCC 9/08 peg 12/29/08 35x rad and 3x Cisplatin ended 2/22/09 Left RND 7/6/09 took everything and 4 of 30 nodes involved