
I was wondering if anyone could help me. My dad got his Pet Scan results about 2 weeks ago, all clear thank God. However, His throat got all congested over the past few days. We just took him to the hospital and they admitted him. My dad claims that his tongue is swollen (he never said anything before about this). The doctors thought his throat sounded congested. Does this seem familiar to anyone? His labs came back fine. Does this disease ever end? Please respond.


Squamous cell / BOT with lymph node involvment, Stage 4, HIV-, cisplatin 3 weeks of 7, stopped due to kidney issues and neuropathy,35 radiation treatment started 5/6/09,started weekly erbitux on 6/2/09. Completed tx on 6/24/09, biopsy 8/11/09 clean, PET Scan 10/5/09 clear, PET Scan 6/11/10 clear