I justdo not understand why I am feeling so bad...there is so much pain i am now on fentanyl patches 25mg plus Ordine for breakthrough and other stuff. I lie to my doctor and tell him that the patches help when they dont. I have sunk so low. I dont know what to do. I am two and a half years post treatment. Surely it should be better by now. I want to scream....my teeth have started falling out and they are so painful. There is so much other personal stuff going on. I want it to be over. I am so tired of the whole thing

SCC Base of tongue stage 4. 10 hour operation Radical neck dissection and hemiglossectomy 23/10/06 35 Rad treatments and 3 high dose Cistplatin Dec 06 - Feb 07. Ex casual smoker 6 to 8 a day - casual drinker. Very fit and diet conscious.