
I haven't read as much about OC as you, but what I have read is that most experts do not consider OC to be a genetically inherited cancer.

India has the highest rate of oral cancer in the world. In fact, it is the most common kind of cancer in India. It is becoming a vast epidemic, in fact. It is linked to tobacco, and India sells some very, very nasty brands of tobacco.

As to whether there is a genetic component, I have no opinion. I also do not promote the idea that there is ANY environmental cure for it. However, there do appear to be environmental causes for it a lot of the time. I simply advocated that nutrition is important and thrown out as if it's neglect is some kind of tool used to blame people who are ill. It is not, and most doctors and cancer centers on earth DO NOT treat nutrition and wellness with the attention it deserves.

I mentioned that my FIL is on anti-oxidant therapy, and said that I don't think it can hurt. You are having a knee jerk reaction that is precisely what I was arguing against. A lot of people come on here and don't understand the basics, and a lot of people lose weight and are malnourished during their treatment when they don't have to be. That is my experience coming from India, and in reading posts from around the world. Just because you are an exception to that, does not mean you need to fight it.

A balanced diet does not necessarily include goji berries or half the other stuff my FIL takes. But these foods that he takes are not from industries that tout them as miracle cures (for the most part); they are based on sound evidence that they have some benefits to health according to dieticians and current research. Benefits to health are a good thing for people with cancer, not necessarily a CURE. No need to patrol my posts.

Last edited by marma; 09-15-2009 06:38 AM. Reason: corrected cancer cause in India not the world

FIL completed treatment 10/08. CG to father in Law in india who had SCC oral tongue T2N2M0. FIL underwent surgery, neck dissection, IMRT, and erbitux without losing weight or getting nauseated. Completed October 2008. SO far so good.