Things went as planned mostly . Then when I came home I poached 2 eggs and had very fresh bread i broke uo and then broke the soft eggs over the bread. A stitch came out of my tonguye, it sytarted to bleed,. I looked in the mirror and it was almost black. The Dr wanted me to come back so I fired up my car and went.
He said it was bruing and if it did get black, it would fall off and we would know before the results came back that it wasn't cancer. LOL He gave me another script and told me to be very creful what i eat because it could mess up the dsurgery because ot the location, right on thr=e front tip of the thing. Any way I am in pain and he gave me a pain script which I fot filled
I wll live and figt it the biopsy report should be ready Friday mornng

Since posting this. UPMC, Pittsburgh, Oct 2011 until Jan. I averaged about 2 to 3 surgeries a week there. w Can't have jaw made as bone is deteroriating steaily that is left in jaw. Mersa is to blame. Feeding tube . Had trach for 4mos. Got it out April.
--- Passed away 5/14/14, will be greatly missed by everyone here