You have to be your advocate, & your doctor has to be aggressive. His excuse that it takes 3 months for insurance to come through tells me that he's not treating this seriously enough.

My cancer was small, it didn't show up on a cat scan, & the lab reports were conflicting. But every lab and pathologist urged removal of the lesion. After a second opinion by pathologists at Yale on a 2nd lab report indicated only a "suspicion" of scc, my ent told me in no uncertain terms that I needed surgery immediately (I was hoping to remain in denial.) His words to me: "This is your LIFE you're talking about."

Please get a surgical and/or treatment plan going! This is not elective surgery. It's your LIFE!


Marginal mandibulectomy 6/17/08 resulted in DX of Stage I SCC - gingiva (3 mm) right mandible, buccal side. Clear margins. Occasional social drinker. Smoked last cigarette in 1979. Clear pet: 12/08; 7/20/09. Yay!