Thank You Billy and Linda
This post was written 30 days ago. Everyone on the board was pushing me not to give up. Well I tried and tried. Even yesterday 5-1-07, I could not get help. I told my wife I was selling everything, have her pick out a small house we could almost pay for cash. (procedes from 3 properties) Then sell all my tools and equipment so she would be "ok" when I left. (plus life insurance) I had totally given up. The thing that hurt also was going to be trying to explain to everyone here that I had exausted all possibilities, which I had. Then I was gonna just hope for a month saying my goodbyes, and when it got to bad, go visit the new Skywalk in the Grand Canyon. Then I got the phone call from the medical director of a local hospital, and to come in today. THIS YOU WON'T BELIEVE! THERE WE 5 DOCTORS AND THE HOSPITAL CEO WAITING FOR ME. THEY WERE MY TUMOR BOARD, OR "TEAM" AS THEY PUT IT. IN 1 HOUR I HAD MY PET /CT DONE. THEN I WENT TO EACH DOCTORS OFFICE ON THE COMPLEX AND THEY ALL EXPLAINED THEIR TASK IN THE PROCEDURES. WHILE WITH MY RO- DR. DAAS, A PHONE CALL SAID CHEST X-RAY WAS CLEAR AND PET WAS GOOD, I WILL GET SURGERY NEXT WEEK (BEING SCHEDUALED) AND RADIATION STARTS 3 WEEKS AFTER. THESE DOCTORS TREATED ME LIKE I WAS ROYALTY. I'M STILL AMAZED BY WHAT TRANSPIRED IN THE LAST 24 HOURS. I HAD PREPARED MYSELF FOR DEATH, NOW I'M LOOKING TOWARD A FUTURE. THEY GAVE ME A 60% CHANCE OF RECOVERY. AND I MUST SAY IT AGAIN. THE HEALTH CARE DISTRICT OF FLORIDA HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS. IT WAS JUST "A FEW GOOD MEN" (DR's) WHO SAW ME BEGGING FOR MY LIFE ON TV.

DX 3-21-07 L tongue,SCC Stage IV (T3N2MO) TX Slash/Burn/Poison Method.
***Rapid Aggressive Recurrence 8-4-07 with same DX/TX. Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh. Never Give Up! ****UPDATE**** Our dear friend Petey passed away, RIP 9-2-07